بيان صحفي من السفارة الفلسطينية في السويد بمناسبة اليوم العالمي للطفل

: 11/20/12, 9:19 PM
Updated: 11/20/12, 9:19 PM
بيان صحفي من السفارة الفلسطينية في السويد بمناسبة اليوم العالمي للطفل

الكومبس – ستوكهولم: دعت السفارة الفلسطينية في السويد الى وقف الهجمات على غزة، ورفع الحصار عن حوالي 1.7 مليون شخص، يعيشون في ظروف صعبة بمنطقة جغرافية ضيقة. جاء ذلك في بيان صحفي، بمناسبة اليوم العالمي للطفل، الذي يصادف اليوم، تلقى موقع " الكومبس " نسخة منه.

الكومبس – ستوكهولم: دعت السفارة الفلسطينية في السويد الى وقف الهجمات على غزة، ورفع الحصار عن حوالي 1.7 مليون شخص، يعيشون في ظروف صعبة بمنطقة جغرافية ضيقة. جاء ذلك في بيان صحفي، بمناسبة اليوم العالمي للطفل، الذي يصادف اليوم، تلقى موقع " الكومبس " نسخة منه.

ونبه البيان الراي العالم السويدي والعالمي الى الانتهاكات التي يتعرض لها الطفل الفلسطيني من قبل قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلية، خاصة أثناء العدوان المستمر على قطاع غزة، والذي أدى إلى سقوط 29 طفلا وإلى جرح أكثر من 300 آخرين خلال أيام الهجوم الأخير، إضافة إلى هدم منازل عائلات كاملة وقتل أباء وأمهات عدد كبير من الأطفال . اليكم أدناه نصه:.

Press release

This Tuesday, 20 November, is the Universal children’s Day. While peace-loving states around the world celebrate children, the symbols of hope and a prosperous future, the Palestinian people mourn the loss of twenty-nine children and the injury of at least 300 hundred others.

We mourn the loss of their innocence and grieve the unnatural end of their promising potential. Palestinian mothers and fathers stand helpless, unable to provide their children with their basic right to protection. In Gaza, there is no safe haven, no place to seek protection from Israel’s unchecked military assault against 1.7 million Palestinians under its occupation.

Over the past seven days, Israeli forces have pounded the besieged Gaza, wreaking death, havoc and destruction. In grave violation of international law, the Israeli military campaign has killed and injured hundreds of Palestinians, most of them women and children, and destroyed dozens of homes and public buildings. This is an outrage. It must stop.

Israel continues to deny the Palestinian people their most basic rights, foremost of which is the right to life. It is clear that Israel, the occupying power, has a clear agenda for war and occupation but lacks one for peace. In the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, Israel assaults Palestinian rights to freedom and independence through the continued illegal acts of settlement construction, land confiscation, home demolitions, and population displacement. Meanwhile, Israel continues its illegal siege on Gaza and has unleashed its supreme military power on the trapped population.

The Palestinian leadership continues to exert all possible efforts to lobby the international community to assume its standing legal and moral obligations and compel Israel to stop its military aggression and respect its legal obligations as an occupying power. This irresponsible assault must stop without delay and Palestinian civilians must be afforded the protection they are entitled to in accordance with the Fourth Geneva Convention.

The current grave situation highlights the urgency and significance of Palestine’s agenda for peace, namely our initiative to seek enhancing Palestine’s status in the United Nations system to Observer State. In light of Israel’s determined efforts to undermine the prospects of the two-state solution, Palestine is further encouraged to protect the prospects of peace and seek to entrench the Palestinian state as a legal reality in the international system, in line with the internationally agreed-on terms of reference, including relevant United Nations resolutions.

We call on all states committed to the principles and ethics of international law that have guarded the international system from the wrath of wars and tragedy of unchecked power to support Palestine’s peace agenda. Palestinians, like all other peoples in the world, have a scared right to safety, security, and a life of dignity and freedom. An end to the injustice of belligerence and occupation that Israel has imposed on the Palestinian people for nearly half a century is the only guarantee to peace and security in the region. Supporting Palestine’s peaceful and multilateral diplomatic initiative is the moral step to help end years of injustice and secure a future of peace and safety to our children. It is long overdue.

Stockholm, Nov.20, 2012

Mission of Palestine

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