مصرع أكثر من 20 شخصاً جراء حادث باص مروّع في إيطاليا

: 10/4/23, 8:06 AM
Updated: 10/4/23, 8:08 AM
Italian firefighters work at the scene of a passenger bus accident in Mestre, near the city of Venice, Italy, Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2023. The bus fell from an elevated road, late Tuesday, killing multiple people. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni)  MES112
Emergency services work at the scene of a passenger bus accident near the city of Venice, Italy, that fell from an elevated road, late Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2023. Italian authorities say multiple people have been killed and others injured in the bus crash. The crash happened Tuesday when the bus fell from an elevated street in the Mestre borough on the mainland opposite the old city of Venice. (Slow Press/LiveMedia/LaPresse via AP)  ROPH606
Italian firefighters work at the scene of a passenger bus accident in Mestre, near Venice, Italy, Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2023. According to local media, the bus fell a few meters from an elevated rod before crashing Tuesday close to Mestre's railway tracks, where it caught fire. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni)  MES113
Italian firefighters work at the scene of a passenger bus accident in Mestre, near the city of Venice, Italy, Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2023. The bus fell from an elevated road, late Tuesday, killing multiple people. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni)  MES112
Emergency services work at the scene of a passenger bus accident near the city of Venice, Italy, that fell from an elevated road, late Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2023. Italian authorities say multiple people have been killed and others injured in the bus crash. The crash happened Tuesday when the bus fell from an elevated street in the Mestre borough on the mainland opposite the old city of Venice. (Slow Press/LiveMedia/LaPresse via AP)  ROPH606
Italian firefighters work at the scene of a passenger bus accident in Mestre, near Venice, Italy, Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2023. According to local media, the bus fell a few meters from an elevated rod before crashing Tuesday close to Mestre's railway tracks, where it caught fire. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni)  MES113
الحافلة سقطت عن جسر واشتعلت فيها النيران . (Slow Press/LiveMedia/LaPresse via AP)

الكومبس – أوروبية: لقي 21 شخصاً على الأقل، بينهم طفلان، مصرعهم إثر سقوط حافلة تقل سياحاً من فوق جسر قرب مدينة فينيسيا (البندقية) شمال إيطاليا مساء أمس الثلاثاء. فيما أصيب 18 شخصاً، بعضهم في حال خطيرة.

وكانت الحافلة في طريقها إلى موقعٍ للتخييم، غير أنها سقطت عن الجسر واشتعلت فيها النيران بعد سقوطها عدة أمتار.

ونقلت TT عن وسائل إعلام محلية أن أوكرانيين وألمان بين ركاب الحافلة. فيما قالت وزارة الخارجية السويدية إنه لا علم لديها بوجود سوديين على متن الحافلة.

وأظهر مقطع فيديو انتشر على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي الحادث، وأعلنت أجهزة الإطفاء أن النيران اشتعلت في الحافلة بعدما سقطت من على جسر يربط بين منطقتي ميستري ومارغيرا.

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