مصرع وإصابة العشرات جراء تصادم قطارين في اليونان

: 3/1/23, 8:28 AM
Updated: 3/1/23, 8:28 AM
Firefighters operate after a collision in Tempe near Larissa city, Greece early Wednesday, March 1, 2023. A train carrying hundreds of passengers has collided with an oncoming freight train in northern Greece, killing and injuring dozens passengers. (George Kidonas/InTime News via AP)  ATH803
A crane operator, firefighters and rescuers work the scene of a collision in Tempe, about 376 kilometers (235 miles) north of Athens, near Larissa city, Greece, Wednesday, March 1, 2023. A train carrying hundreds of passengers has collided with an oncoming freight train in northern Greece, killing and injuring dozens passengers. (AP Photo/Vaggelis Kousioras)  XTS111
Firefighters operate after a collision in Tempe near Larissa city, Greece early Wednesday, March 1, 2023. A train carrying hundreds of passengers has collided with an oncoming freight train in northern Greece, killing and injuring dozens passengers. (George Kidonas/InTime News via AP)  ATH802
Firefighters collect bodies after a collision in Tempe near Larissa city, Greece early Wednesday, March 1, 2023. A train carrying hundreds of passengers has collided with an oncoming freight train in northern Greece, killing and injuring dozens passengers. (George Kidonas/InTime News via AP)  ATH801
Smoke rises from trains as firefighters and rescuers operate after a collision near Larissa city, Greece, early Wednesday, March 1, 2023. The collision between a freight and passenger train occurred near Tempe, some 380 kilometers (235 miles) north of Athens, and resulted in the derailment of several train cars. (AP Photo/Vaggelis Kousioras)  XTS103
Firefighters and rescuers operate after a collision in Tempe near Larissa city, Greece, Wednesday, March 1, 2023. A train carrying hundreds of passengers has collided with an oncoming freight train in northern Greece, killing and injuring dozens passengers. (AP Photo/Vaggelis Kousioras)  XTS121
Firefighters and rescuers operate after a collision in Tempe near Larissa city, Greece, Wednesday, March 1, 2023. A train carrying hundreds of passengers has collided with an oncoming freight train in northern Greece, killing and injuring dozens passengers. (AP Photo/Vaggelis Kousioras)  XTS120
Firefighters operate after a collision in Tempe near Larissa city, Greece early Wednesday, March 1, 2023. A train carrying hundreds of passengers has collided with an oncoming freight train in northern Greece, killing and injuring dozens passengers. (George Kidonas/InTime News via AP)  ATH803
A crane operator, firefighters and rescuers work the scene of a collision in Tempe, about 376 kilometers (235 miles) north of Athens, near Larissa city, Greece, Wednesday, March 1, 2023. A train carrying hundreds of passengers has collided with an oncoming freight train in northern Greece, killing and injuring dozens passengers. (AP Photo/Vaggelis Kousioras)  XTS111
Firefighters operate after a collision in Tempe near Larissa city, Greece early Wednesday, March 1, 2023. A train carrying hundreds of passengers has collided with an oncoming freight train in northern Greece, killing and injuring dozens passengers. (George Kidonas/InTime News via AP)  ATH802
Firefighters collect bodies after a collision in Tempe near Larissa city, Greece early Wednesday, March 1, 2023. A train carrying hundreds of passengers has collided with an oncoming freight train in northern Greece, killing and injuring dozens passengers. (George Kidonas/InTime News via AP)  ATH801
Smoke rises from trains as firefighters and rescuers operate after a collision near Larissa city, Greece, early Wednesday, March 1, 2023. The collision between a freight and passenger train occurred near Tempe, some 380 kilometers (235 miles) north of Athens, and resulted in the derailment of several train cars. (AP Photo/Vaggelis Kousioras)  XTS103
Firefighters and rescuers operate after a collision in Tempe near Larissa city, Greece, Wednesday, March 1, 2023. A train carrying hundreds of passengers has collided with an oncoming freight train in northern Greece, killing and injuring dozens passengers. (AP Photo/Vaggelis Kousioras)  XTS121
Firefighters and rescuers operate after a collision in Tempe near Larissa city, Greece, Wednesday, March 1, 2023. A train carrying hundreds of passengers has collided with an oncoming freight train in northern Greece, killing and injuring dozens passengers. (AP Photo/Vaggelis Kousioras)  XTS120
(AP Photo/Vaggelis Kousioras) TT

الكومبس – أوروبية: لقي 32 شخصاً على الأقل مصرعهم جراء تصادم بين قطارين شمال اليونان بالقرب من بلدة لاريسا. وأصيب 85 شخصاً، 25 منهم في حال خطيرة. وفق ما أعلنت خدمات الطوارئ اليونانية.

واصطدم قطار شحن مع قطار ركاب عند حوالي الساعة 11 مساء أمس الثلاثاء على بعد حوالي 380 كيلومتراً شمال أثينا، ما أدى إلى خروج عربات القطارين عن مسارها، حسبما ذكرت وكالة أسوشيتد برس.

واشتعلت النيران في ثلاث عربات على الأقل.

وقال حاكم المنطقة كوستاس أغوراستوس للتلفزيون اليوناني “كان تصادماً قوياً جداً. هذه ليلة فظيعة”.

وبحثت فرق الإنقاذ طوال الليل عن أشخاص يخشى أن يكونوا محاصرين في العربات. وجرت الاستعانة بالجيش للمساعدة في جهود الإنقاذ.

ووُضع مستشفيان في بلدة لاريسا القريبة على أهبة الاستعداد. وستكون خدمة الصليب الأحمر للتبرع بالدم في الساحة الرئيسية في لاريسا خلال النهار لحث الناس على التبرع بالدم.

وقال المكتب الصحفي لوزارة الخارجية السويدية لـTT “ليس لدينا حاليا أي معلومات عن سويديين بين الجرحى أو القتلى”.

وما زال سبب الاصطدام غير واضح، لكن وكالة رويترز ذكرت أن نظام سكة الحديد في اليونان قديم، ولا تزال كثير من المناطق تفتقد لأنظمة الإشارات الأوتوماتيكية.

وكانت اليونان باعت شركة السكة الحديد Trainose لإيطاليا في العام 2017 ضمن تدابيرها للتغلب على أزمة الديون.

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