الأخبار - مواطني الرايخ

آخر المستجدات عن "مواطني الرايخ", إقرأ الأخبار والمقالات، وشاهد تقاريرنا المصورة عن "مواطني الرايخ", عبر موقع الكومبس.

مواطنو الرايخ لا يعترفون بالدولة الألمانية ويصدرون جوازات سفر ورخص قيادة خاصة بهم

ما هي حركة “مواطنو الرايخ” التي تريد إسقاط الدولة الألمانية؟

ويتجاهل أعضاء حركة “مواطني الرايخ” حقيقة مفادها أن النشاط الذي يقومون به غير قانوني وغير معترف به من قبل أي سلطة في ألمانيا..

 . (Boris Roessler/dpa via AP)  DSOB106

من هي الحركة التي تقف وراء محاولة الانقلاب في ألمانيا؟

ازدادت الحركة تطرفاً في السنوات الأخيرة واعتبرت خطراً أمنياً متزايداً.

Police officers stand by a searched property in Frankfurt during a raid against so-called 'Reich citizens' in Frankfurt, Germany, Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2022. Thousands of police carried out a series of raids across much of Germany on Wednesday against suspected far-right extremists who allegedly sought to overthrow the state by force. Federal prosecutors said some 3,000 officers conducted searches at 130 sites in 11 of Germany's 16 states against adherents of the so-called Reich Citizens movement. Some members of the grouping reject Germany's postwar constitution and have called for the overthrow of the government. (Boris Roessler/dpa via AP)  DSOB102
Police officers stand by a searched property in Frankfurt during a raid against so-called 'Reich citizens' in Frankfurt, Germany, Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2022. Thousands of police carried out a series of raids across much of Germany on Wednesday against suspected far-right extremists who allegedly sought to overthrow the state by force. Federal prosecutors said some 3,000 officers conducted searches at 130 sites in 11 of Germany's 16 states against adherents of the so-called Reich Citizens movement. Some members of the grouping reject Germany's postwar constitution and have called for the overthrow of the government. (Boris Roessler/dpa via AP)  DSOB101
Police officers walk in front of a searched property in Frankfurt during a raid against so-called 'Reich citizens' in Frankfurt, Germany, Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2022. Thousands of police carried out a series of raids across much of Germany on Wednesday against suspected far-right extremists who allegedly sought to overthrow the state by force. Federal prosecutors said some 3,000 officers conducted searches at 130 sites in 11 of Germany's 16 states against adherents of the so-called Reich Citizens movement. Some members of the grouping reject Germany's postwar constitution and have called for the overthrow of the government. (Boris Roessler/dpa via AP)  DSOB105
 . (Boris Roessler/dpa via AP)  DSOB106
Police officers stand by a searched property in Frankfurt during a raid against so-called 'Reich citizens' in Frankfurt, Germany, Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2022. Thousands of police carried out a series of raids across much of Germany on Wednesday against suspected far-right extremists who allegedly sought to overthrow the state by force. Federal prosecutors said some 3,000 officers conducted searches at 130 sites in 11 of Germany's 16 states against adherents of the so-called Reich Citizens movement. Some members of the grouping reject Germany's postwar constitution and have called for the overthrow of the government. (Boris Roessler/dpa via AP)  DSOB102
Police officers stand by a searched property in Frankfurt during a raid against so-called 'Reich citizens' in Frankfurt, Germany, Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2022. Thousands of police carried out a series of raids across much of Germany on Wednesday against suspected far-right extremists who allegedly sought to overthrow the state by force. Federal prosecutors said some 3,000 officers conducted searches at 130 sites in 11 of Germany's 16 states against adherents of the so-called Reich Citizens movement. Some members of the grouping reject Germany's postwar constitution and have called for the overthrow of the government. (Boris Roessler/dpa via AP)  DSOB101
Police officers walk in front of a searched property in Frankfurt during a raid against so-called 'Reich citizens' in Frankfurt, Germany, Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2022. Thousands of police carried out a series of raids across much of Germany on Wednesday against suspected far-right extremists who allegedly sought to overthrow the state by force. Federal prosecutors said some 3,000 officers conducted searches at 130 sites in 11 of Germany's 16 states against adherents of the so-called Reich Citizens movement. Some members of the grouping reject Germany's postwar constitution and have called for the overthrow of the government. (Boris Roessler/dpa via AP)  DSOB105
 . (Boris Roessler/dpa via AP)  DSOB106

القبض على “شبكة إرهابية” خططت لانقلاب في ألمانيا

المجموعة من اليمين المتطرف وكانت تستعد لمهاجمة البرلمان بالسلاح

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