الأخبار - السواحل

آخر المستجدات عن "السواحل", إقرأ الأخبار والمقالات، وشاهد تقاريرنا المصورة عن "السواحل", عبر موقع الكومبس.

يابانيون يتجهون نحو أماكن مرتفعة بعد تحذير سابق من تسونامي
(Kyodo News via AP)

تحذير من تسونامي بعد زلزالين في اليابان

بلغت قوة الزلزالين سبع درجات

زلزال اليابان
(Kyodo News via AP)
A car is trapped at a partially collapsed road caused by a powerful earthquake near Anamizu Town, Ishikawa Prefecture Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2024. A series of powerful earthquakes hit western Japan, damaging buildings, vehicles and boats, with officials warning people in some areas on Tuesday to stay away from their homes because of a risk of more strong quakes. (AP Photo/Hiro Komae)  XEH106
A person walk near a building collapsed following an earthquake in Shikamachi, Ishikawa prefecture, Japan Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2024. A series of powerful earthquakes hit western Japan, damaging thousands of buildings, vehicles and boats, with officials warning people in some areas on Tuesday to stay away from their homes because of a risk of more strong quakes. 
(Kyodo News via AP)  TKMY856
زلزال اليابان
(Kyodo News via AP)
A car is trapped at a partially collapsed road caused by a powerful earthquake near Anamizu Town, Ishikawa Prefecture Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2024. A series of powerful earthquakes hit western Japan, damaging buildings, vehicles and boats, with officials warning people in some areas on Tuesday to stay away from their homes because of a risk of more strong quakes. (AP Photo/Hiro Komae)  XEH106
A person walk near a building collapsed following an earthquake in Shikamachi, Ishikawa prefecture, Japan Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2024. A series of powerful earthquakes hit western Japan, damaging thousands of buildings, vehicles and boats, with officials warning people in some areas on Tuesday to stay away from their homes because of a risk of more strong quakes. 
(Kyodo News via AP)  TKMY856

زلزال بداية العام يحصد عشرات القتلى في اليابان

دمار واسع وحرائق وتسونامي ..

الثلوج في أبريل الماضي - أرشيفية
Foto: Janerik Henriksson / TT
طقس السويد

برد شديد وثلوج وعواصف.. الشتاء يصل باكراً

وتحذير من أمطار غزيرة جداً جنوباً ..

 قارب يحمل مهاجرين من تونس إلى إيطاليا

مصرع 17 مهاجراً بعد غرق زورقهم قبالة سواحل اليونان

حادثة تتكرر في البحر الأبيض المتوسط الذي تحوّل إلى مقبرة للمهاجرين وأحلامهم

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