الأخبار - إنقاذ

آخر المستجدات عن "إنقاذ", إقرأ الأخبار والمقالات، وشاهد تقاريرنا المصورة عن "إنقاذ", عبر موقع الكومبس.

كانوا في طريقهم لأوروبا..انتشال جثث 11 لاجئاً من البحر المتوسط
الهجرة إلى أوروبا

كانوا في طريقهم لأوروبا..انتشال جثث 11 لاجئاً من البحر المتوسط

واستغرقت عملية انتشال الجثث نحو 9 ساعات

حوادث الغرق

قفز بملابسه في المسبح لينقذ طفلة.. والمنقذون يتفرجون

إدارة المسبح تشكر فيليب يوسف على سرعة تصرفه.. وهذا ما حصل

حادثة الطائرة اليابانية  REUTERS/Issei Kato
حادث طائرة

عائلة سويدية تنجو من حريق الطائرة اليابانية: اقتربنا من الموت

اصطدمت الطائرة أثناء هبوطها بطائرة تابعة لخفر السواحل اليابانية

الطائرة العسكرية الفرنسية في مطار أرلاندا
Foto: Pontus Lundahl / TT /

هبوط اضطراري لطائرة عسكرية فرنسية في ستوكهولم

تعطل اثنان من محركاتها ..

بحر الشمال - أرشيفية (Georg Moritz/dpa via AP)

قتيل ومفقودون في تصادم سفينتين ببحر الشمال

عمليات الإنقاذ مستمرة وسط طقس عاصف

Foto: Suvad Mrkonjic / TT 

عاملان يتعرضان لإصابات خطيرة جراء سقوطهما في خزان صناعي بالسويد

وإصابة ستة رجال إطفاء خلال عملية إنقاذهما ..

حادثة غرق - أرشيفية
Foto: Maja Suslin / TT / Kod 10300

عدد ضحايا الغرق يتضاعف.. والموسم ما زال في بدايته

درجات الحرارة المرتفعة لعبت دوراً ..

A view of a flooded road in Faenza, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least eight people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  ALT116
People are rescued in Faenza, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least nine people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  ALT137
فيضانات إيطاليا (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
Mud covers cars in parking place in Faenza, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least nine people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  ALT132
Piled up cars lie on a road following a flood in Pianello di Ostra, central Italy, Friday Sept. 16, 2022. Flash floods triggered by heavy rain have swept through towns in a hilly central Italy.  Italy's leader Mario Draghi said 10 people were dead in the floods and four were missing. (AP Photo/Bobo Antic)  XBA107
A man walks past fallen trees along a flooded road in Bologna, Italy, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least eight people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (Michele Nucci/LaPresse via AP)  BOL801
Muddy water rages through a flooded street in the village of Castel Bolognese, Italy, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least eight people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  FP112
People rest in a makeshift camp set up inside the gymnasium of the flooded town of Castel Bolognese, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least eight people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  ALT104
People are rescued in Faenza, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least nine people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  ALT109
People use a plastic portable pool to carrie bags and personal effects in a flooded road of Lugo, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least eight people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  XAC109
People remove water from a flooded road of Barbiano di Cotignola, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least nine people. Rescue crews worked Thursday to reach isolated towns and villages in northern Italy that were cut off from highways, electricity and cellphone service following heavy rains and flooding, as farmers warned of "incalculable" losses and authorities began mapping out cleanup and reconstruction plans. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  XAC111
A man stands on the doorstep of a house in the flooded village of Castel Bolognese, Italy, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least eight people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  ALT143
A view of a flooded road in Faenza, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least eight people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  ALT116
People are rescued in Faenza, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least nine people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  ALT137
فيضانات إيطاليا (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
Mud covers cars in parking place in Faenza, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least nine people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  ALT132
Piled up cars lie on a road following a flood in Pianello di Ostra, central Italy, Friday Sept. 16, 2022. Flash floods triggered by heavy rain have swept through towns in a hilly central Italy.  Italy's leader Mario Draghi said 10 people were dead in the floods and four were missing. (AP Photo/Bobo Antic)  XBA107
A man walks past fallen trees along a flooded road in Bologna, Italy, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least eight people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (Michele Nucci/LaPresse via AP)  BOL801
Muddy water rages through a flooded street in the village of Castel Bolognese, Italy, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least eight people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  FP112
People rest in a makeshift camp set up inside the gymnasium of the flooded town of Castel Bolognese, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least eight people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  ALT104
People are rescued in Faenza, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least nine people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  ALT109
People use a plastic portable pool to carrie bags and personal effects in a flooded road of Lugo, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least eight people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  XAC109
People remove water from a flooded road of Barbiano di Cotignola, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least nine people. Rescue crews worked Thursday to reach isolated towns and villages in northern Italy that were cut off from highways, electricity and cellphone service following heavy rains and flooding, as farmers warned of "incalculable" losses and authorities began mapping out cleanup and reconstruction plans. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  XAC111
A man stands on the doorstep of a house in the flooded village of Castel Bolognese, Italy, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least eight people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  ALT143

الفيضانات الأسوأ منذ 100 عام في إيطاليا.. قتلى ومهجرون وعالقون

وسط حديث عن تغير مناخي يضرب دول حوض البحر الأبيض المتوسط ..

خلال وجودها في الكهف شهدت إسبانيا والعالم أحداثا هامة لم تعلم بياتريس فلاميني

بعد 500 يوم وبعمق 70 مترا.. إسبانية تخرج من كهف تحت الأرض

قضت طواعية 500 يوم في كهف على عمق 70 مترا خارج غرناطة ودون أي اتصال بالعالم الخارجي

خلال وجودها في الكهف شهدت إسبانيا والعالم أحداثا هامة لم تعلم بياتريس فلاميني

بعد 500 يوم وبعمق 70 مترا.. إسبانية تخرج من كهف تحت الأرض

قضت طواعية 500 يوم في كهف على عمق 70 مترا خارج غرناطة ودون أي اتصال بالعالم الخارجي

مقطع مؤثر لطفل سوري يستغيث: “عمو منشان الله طالعوني”

مقطع مؤثر لطفل سوري يستغيث: “عمو منشان الله طالعوني”

عمو مشان الله طالعني” هكذا استغاث طفل عالق بين الانقاض عندما شاهد رجال الإنقاذ، مقطع مؤثر لعملية إنقاذ طفل في بلدة شمال سوريا في ريف عفرين شمال حلب. فيما […]

مقلع حجارة في إينشوبينغ (تعبيرية)
 Foto Mons Brunius / TT

اعتُبر من “الأبطال السويديين”.. فتى شجاع ينقذ صديقه من موت محقق

الصديق بقي في الماء البارد 25 دقيقة ونجا من الموت

الكلب كابيس عمره 9 شهور وتمكن  من إنقاذ الطفل ألفه البالغ من العمر 12 عاماً
Foto: Michael Engman

كلب ينقذ طفلاً سويدياً من الغرق وسط الجليد

الكلب عمره 9 أشهر فقط

ارتفاع حصيلة انفجار منجم في تركيا إلى أكثر من 40 قتيلاً

ارتفاع حصيلة انفجار منجم في تركيا إلى أكثر من 40 قتيلاً

الكومبس – دولية: أعلن الرئيس التركي رجب طيب إردوغان العثور على جثة آخر عامل منجم كان مفقودًا بعد الانفجار الذي وقع في منجم أماسرا للفحم في شمال غرب تركيا، […]

Foto: Pontus Stenberg/TT

عمل بطولي…والد ينقذ زوجته وطفليه من حريق مميت في أوميو

في حين لا يوجد مشتبه به في القضية حتى الآن

عملية إنقاذ الطفل ريان تدخل مرحلة حاسمة

عملية إنقاذ الطفل ريان تدخل مرحلة حاسمة

70 ساعة داخل البئر

Foto: Polisen

شابة سويدية تنقذ امرأة من الغرق بشجاعة

مراهقون كانوا يحثون المرأة على الانتحار

 Foto. Hasse Holmberg.  SCANPIX TT

كلب ينقذ صاحبته ثلاث مرات من الموت

سارة: لولاه لما كنت موجودة اليوم ربما

قائد قطار يوقف رحلته لإنقاذ حمار

الكومبس – منوعات: أنقذ قائد قطار مصري، حماراً كان مربوطاً بقضبان السكة الحديد أثناء قيادته القطار رقم 989 والمتجه من أسوان (أقصى جنوب مصر) إلى العاصمة المصرية القاهرة، إذ […]

Foto: Stian Lysberg Solum / Scanpix TT

عملية إنقاذ لستة سياح عالقين على أعلى جبل في السويد

الحرارة 10 تحت الصفر والسياح يرتدون ملابس خفيفة الكومبس – ستوكهولم: علق ستة سياح إيرلنديين في القمة الجنوبية لأعلى جبل في السويد، جيبل كيبنيكايسه. وأفادت الأنباء بأن أحد الأشخاص […]

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