الأخبار - المتوسط

آخر المستجدات عن "المتوسط", إقرأ الأخبار والمقالات، وشاهد تقاريرنا المصورة عن "المتوسط", عبر موقع الكومبس.

عالم زلازل يحذر من زلزل قوي يضرب دولا بالمتوسط بينها سوريا ولبنان

عالم زلازل يحذر من زلزل قوي يضرب دولا بالمتوسط بينها سوريا ولبنان

الفترة من 15 إلى 16 يونيو ربما تكون الأكثر أهمية

رئيس الحكومة أولف كريسترشون في مؤتمر الدفاع
Foto: Pontus Lundahl / TT /
عضوية الناتو

الناتو: على السويد الاستعداد لإرسال قواتها من القطب إلى المتوسط

السويد تعلن استعدادها لإرسال كتيبة عسكرية إلى لاتفيا.. وإمكانية إرسال مجنّدين في المستقبل

المؤتمر الصحفي
Henrik Montgomery/TT
ميزانية الخريف

11 مليار كرون لخفض الضرائب.. وحثّ الناس على العمل بدلاً من المساعدات

أبرز سياسات ميزانية الخريف ..

فرس بحر في السويد

طفل يصطاد أول فرس بحر في السويد

سافر خلسة إلى السويد ..

فوضى المناخ المتطرف.. ثلوج في ألمانيا وحرائق غابات في حوض المتوسط
فوضى المناخ

فوضى المناخ المتطرف.. ثلوج في ألمانيا وحرائق غابات في حوض المتوسط

تسبب تطرف المناخ باضطرابات في جميع أنحاء الكرة الأرضية،

موجة حر في دول المتوسط (AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris)

شركات السفر تحذّر السويديين من موجة الحرّ القاتلة في البحر المتوسط

والحجوزات ارتفعت رغم التحذيرات ..

A view of a flooded road in Faenza, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least eight people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  ALT116
People are rescued in Faenza, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least nine people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  ALT137
فيضانات إيطاليا (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
Mud covers cars in parking place in Faenza, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least nine people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  ALT132
Piled up cars lie on a road following a flood in Pianello di Ostra, central Italy, Friday Sept. 16, 2022. Flash floods triggered by heavy rain have swept through towns in a hilly central Italy.  Italy's leader Mario Draghi said 10 people were dead in the floods and four were missing. (AP Photo/Bobo Antic)  XBA107
A man walks past fallen trees along a flooded road in Bologna, Italy, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least eight people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (Michele Nucci/LaPresse via AP)  BOL801
Muddy water rages through a flooded street in the village of Castel Bolognese, Italy, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least eight people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  FP112
People rest in a makeshift camp set up inside the gymnasium of the flooded town of Castel Bolognese, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least eight people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  ALT104
People are rescued in Faenza, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least nine people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  ALT109
People use a plastic portable pool to carrie bags and personal effects in a flooded road of Lugo, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least eight people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  XAC109
People remove water from a flooded road of Barbiano di Cotignola, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least nine people. Rescue crews worked Thursday to reach isolated towns and villages in northern Italy that were cut off from highways, electricity and cellphone service following heavy rains and flooding, as farmers warned of "incalculable" losses and authorities began mapping out cleanup and reconstruction plans. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  XAC111
A man stands on the doorstep of a house in the flooded village of Castel Bolognese, Italy, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least eight people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  ALT143
A view of a flooded road in Faenza, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least eight people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  ALT116
People are rescued in Faenza, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least nine people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  ALT137
فيضانات إيطاليا (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
Mud covers cars in parking place in Faenza, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least nine people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  ALT132
Piled up cars lie on a road following a flood in Pianello di Ostra, central Italy, Friday Sept. 16, 2022. Flash floods triggered by heavy rain have swept through towns in a hilly central Italy.  Italy's leader Mario Draghi said 10 people were dead in the floods and four were missing. (AP Photo/Bobo Antic)  XBA107
A man walks past fallen trees along a flooded road in Bologna, Italy, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least eight people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (Michele Nucci/LaPresse via AP)  BOL801
Muddy water rages through a flooded street in the village of Castel Bolognese, Italy, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least eight people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  FP112
People rest in a makeshift camp set up inside the gymnasium of the flooded town of Castel Bolognese, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least eight people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  ALT104
People are rescued in Faenza, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least nine people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  ALT109
People use a plastic portable pool to carrie bags and personal effects in a flooded road of Lugo, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least eight people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  XAC109
People remove water from a flooded road of Barbiano di Cotignola, Italy, Thursday, May 18, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least nine people. Rescue crews worked Thursday to reach isolated towns and villages in northern Italy that were cut off from highways, electricity and cellphone service following heavy rains and flooding, as farmers warned of "incalculable" losses and authorities began mapping out cleanup and reconstruction plans. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  XAC111
A man stands on the doorstep of a house in the flooded village of Castel Bolognese, Italy, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. Exceptional rains Wednesday in a drought-struck region of northern Italy swelled rivers over their banks, killing at least eight people, forcing the evacuation of thousands and prompting officials to warn that Italy needs a national plan to combat climate change-induced flooding. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)  ALT143

الفيضانات الأسوأ منذ 100 عام في إيطاليا.. قتلى ومهجرون وعالقون

وسط حديث عن تغير مناخي يضرب دول حوض البحر الأبيض المتوسط ..

مع تحسن الطقس تزداد محاولات المهاجرين عبور المتوسط انطلاقا من تونس باتجاه إيطاليا

تونس.. انتشال جثث مهاجرين والبحث عن مفقودين إثرغرق مركبهم

441 مهاجرا لقوا حتفهم منذ مطلع العام في أكبر حصيلة منذ العام 2017

وفاة 11 مهاجراً غرقاً في المتوسط

وفاة 11 مهاجراً غرقاً في المتوسط

الكومبس – أوروبية: قضى 11 شخصاً في جنوح قارب على متنه مئة مهاجر قرب جزيرة بجنوب اليونان، وفقاً لخفر السواحل اليونانيين الذين يواصلون عمليات البحث. وقال مسؤول في خفر [...]

صورة أرشيفية

إنقاذ عشرات المهاجرين من الغرق في البحر المتوسط

الكومبس – أوروبية: أعلنت منظمة سي آي، المسؤولة عن سفينة ألان كردي الألمانية، قيام طواقمها، ليلة أمس الخميس، بإنقاذ 32 مهاجراً في المتوسط. ونشرت المنظمة عبر حسابها على تويتر […]

نصب تذكاري لطفل مهاجر غرق في المتوسط

نصب تذكاري لطفل مهاجر غرق في المتوسط

الكومبس – أوروبية: وضعت خمسة أحجار تذكارية أمام خمس مدارس في روما، تكريما لذكرى طفل مهاجر من مالي توفي في البحر في 18 نيسان/ أبريل من العام 2015، وهو […]

صورة أرشيفية

السماح برسو سفينتي لاجئين عالقين في المتوسط وتوزيعهم على دول أوروبية

الكومبس – دولية: قال رئيس وزراء مالطا، جوزيف موسكات، اليوم الأربعاء، إن بلاده ستسمح برسو سفينتين عالقتين في البحر منذ أسابيع، وعلى متنهما 49 مهاجرا، وأضاف أن المهاجرين سيوزعون […]

146 مهاجراً في عداد المفقودين في غرق زورق في المتوسط

146 مهاجراً في عداد المفقودين في غرق زورق في المتوسط

الكومبس دولية: فقد 146 مهاجراً في غرق زورق في مياه البحر المتوسط بحسب ما أوردت المفوضية السامية للاجئين التابعة للامم المتحدة نقلاٍ عن مهاجر غامبي تم إنقاذه الثلاثاء. وكان […]

انقاذ حوالي 6 آلاف مهاجر عبر المتوسط خلال الأيام الماضية

انقاذ حوالي 6 آلاف مهاجر عبر المتوسط خلال الأيام الماضية

الكومبس – دولية: قالت المنظمة الدولية للهجرة اليوم الثلاثاء، إن حوالي ستة آلاف مهاجر أنقذوا في الممر الرئيسي بين شمال أفريقيا وإيطاليا عبر البحر المتوسط في الأيام القليلة الماضية. […]

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